Sunday, May 29, 2016

LSA Funds the Playground Improvement!!!

Latona School Associates has been providing great before and after school care for JSIS families for over 20 years.  But did you know they have also generously supported many playground improvement efforts?

The Playground Committee is pleased to announce that Latona School Associates (LSA) has given a generous donation of $20,000 to the playground fund! This donation not only brings us closer to our final project goals, it allows us to choose a larger and more creative set of play equipment. 

Thank you LSA!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Playground Info Night

Info Night this week was sparsely attended.

Here are the slide from the Power point we presented.  Ill do my best to answer any questions posted here on the blog. Thank you to the JSIS and Wallingford community for your continued support of this project.